Access Sunday Resources 2013

The UCCDM is happy to announce new resources to support your celebration of Access Sunday 2013! This year UCCDM is offering a resource that not only provides liturgical pieces for use on Access Sunday 2013, but also includes some exegetical work and look at the lectionary texts from a disability lens. Please take a look and don’t hesitate to contact UCCDM for further assistance.

Access Sunday 2013, Worship Materials Large Print, UCC

Access Sunday 2013, Worship Resources, UCC

Access Sunday is always the second Sunday in October, and marks the start of Disability Awareness Week in the UCC Calendar. It is hoped that Access Sunday 2013 will be followed by Mental Health Sunday on October 20th, for information on, and resources for Mental Health Sunday please visit UCC Mental Health Network

New Resource on Universal Design and Visitability

“Universal Design and Visitability: From Accessibility to Zoning”

Edited by Jack Nassar and Jennifer Evans-Crowley, this resource contains several chapters worldwide sources. To download, go to https://kb.osu,edu/dspace/handle/1811/24833 <

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Mental Health Ministry Resources 1

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Printed, Audio-Visual, and Web-Based Media in the Area of Mental Health
Annotated by Carole J. Wills, NAMI (Indianapolis), Faith Communities Education Project
Posted with permission of the author.

For Faith Communities (Congregations and Clergy)
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Web Resource for Parents of Children with Special Needs

Strategies for balanced living for parents of children with special needs:

Free articles, blogs, teleseminars and other resources are available.
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